Thursday, 19 July 2007

Welcome to my first ever blog entry. The idea behind the blog is to give everyone some insight into what goes on, and what I get up to.

This month (July) is proving to be very busy, which is nice, with lots of variety. I've been covering events up and down the country from Osbaldeston North of England Pony Show with it's £1000 first prize champion of champions class to Cranleigh in the south for a dog agility event, which are always great fun. I even found time to attend a celebrity event hosted by Halpern PR at the Haymarket Hotel. Halpern always put on a good event, and this was no different. Celebrating the Westfield London and British Fashion Council fashion Forward event, most of the listed celebrities attended, and a few over skinny 6' models, who all looked in need of a good meal.

The Pony event at Osbaldeston took some getting to, with the M6 proving it's normal troublesome self, but as I'm newly equipped with a Tom Tom I managed to avoid the worse as it keeps me updated on the traffic far better than any radio station. The event itself was unfortunately moved indoors, but the classes were still very well attended and the event ran well into the night finishing around 9pm.

The late finish gave me a bit of a problem as I had to drive to Cranleigh in Surrey to be ready for the dog agility on the Sunday. Dog agility always brings a smile to my face, and utmost admiration for both the dogs and the owners, the dogs of all shapes and sizes know their left and right far better than I do.

Anyway enough waffle here are some of the pictures from the various events, and I promise to keep subsequent entries shorter.

Amy Sargent from Halpern making sure everything works to plan